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Monroe, CT 06468

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What winter weather events are covered by basic homeowners insurance

Winter weather is a part of life in Monroe, CT. Wind, freezing rain, snow, hail, and arctic-like temperatures are all part of living in New England. New Englanders are a hearty bunch and have learned how to deal with the extremes of weather that must be dealt with. Part of dealing with winter weather is knowing that if a catastrophic event happens to your home, you have the coverage necessary to repair or replace the things that have been damaged or lost. A visit to the office of the Fida Insurance Group can help you to be sure you have the necessary coverage. 

Covered damage

Your roof is particularly vulnerable to weather-related damage. Wet snow can be very heavy and it can cause some roofs to collapse, This includes the roof on your shed or garage. Gutters can fill with rain and then freeze which causes an ice dam that allows water to force its way under your roof and into your home. Freezing rain can coat the trees in your yard and when trees get ice covered the branches can fall, sometimes they fall onto structures like your deck, your home or your gazebo. HIgh winds can come with some winter storms and they can cause lots of damage to the exterior of your home. 

When your driveway or sidewalk gets icy, someone may fall and get injured. Your home liability insurance will protect you in this case. 

Winter storms can knock out the electricity and this can lead to frozen pipes that burst and can cause a lot of damage. While fixing the pipe might not be covered the water damage will be. 

Winter in Monroe, CT can throw a lot of hazards your way. Why not call or stop by the office of Fida Insurance Group and let then give you a no-obligation quote so that you can relax and enjoy your home no matter what the season. 



Basics of High Risk Auto Insurance Policies

Not all drivers have squeaky clean driving records. Accidents can happen and as part of the aftermath, your insurance premiums may increase. Companies offer high-risk auto insurance plans to individuals who have an increased likelihood of getting into crashes and filing claims.

High-risk auto insurance 101

High-risk auto insurance policies are plans that offer coverage to those who have a greater liability. Although one or more traffic accidents may make you a high-risk driver, other factors are considered as well. DUI convictions, moving violations, young age, and poor credit history may also be used to determine your risk to the insurance company. Very expensive and specialized vehicles can also put you in the high-risk category.

With a high-risk classification, coverage will be more expensive. However, insurance companies work with drivers to help them lower costs over time. Agents may suggest taking a defensive driving course to reduce premiums. By following all traffic laws and practicing defensive driving techniques while on the road, your record will improve over time and you will no longer be considered high-risk.

Are you really high-risk?

Insurance companies don’t automatically label you as a high-risk driver because you have been in an accident. Fida Insurance Group recommends discussing your driving record with an agent before assuming you need a high-risk policy. For instance, if you didn’t cause the accident or the crash took place more than three years ago, then you probably don’t need a high-risk policy. A single speeding ticket isn’t likely to have too much of an impact on your coverage options either. However, multiple speeding tickets will be taken into consideration.

Live in the Monroe, CT area and are looking for advice on auto insurance plans? Contact the helpful agents from Fida Insurance Group to discuss auto policy options, including high-risk plans.

Why It is Better to Get Individual Life Insurance Now through Fida Insurance Group

During implementing the Affordable Care Act, many smaller companies decided to cut insurance benefits, especially life insurance. If you have a house that works with a large corporation, you may want to put the entire family on that policy. The other option is to go through the open marketplace. The demand for life insurance has increased since 2016, but at the same time, some people find themselves at an advantage when they go to do their own life insurance shopping. 

Don’t Get Stuck at a Disadvantage with Purchasing a Life Insurance Plan

While we have seen some life insurance plans increase in premiums in Monroe, CT area, this is not across the board. The time to shop is when you are young and in good health. Life insurance can be quite affordable at that point; however, we may have situations that require us to shop around. Fida Insurance Group will provide you with the confidence to be picky about who you want to insure you, even when life insurance programs are developing stricter policies. 

The Good Thing About Finding Your Own Life Insurance Policy

The sooner that you do it, the more prepared you are. If you work for a company with less than 100 employees, there are no guarantees that your company will continue to offer this plan. Getting locked in on a life insurance policy 5 years before any health conditions occur or you begin to age is definitely the advantage that most of us focus on when thinking of this predicament. 

Fida Insurance Group will help our clients in the Monroe, CT area research plans for competitive life insurance rates outside of your employer’s group plan, which will shield you from any negative effects of rate increases as we begin to see how ACA works out for our country. 

Buying Commercial Insurance When Starting a Horse Tour Company

Horse touring companies in Monroe, CT take riders around this beautiful area and showcase beautiful equines in an exciting way. If you own one of these companies, you need to purchase high-quality commercial insurance from us at Fida Insurance Group to protect your business and your investment, especially your gorgeous horses.

Necessity of Commercial Insurance for Horse Tours

Though horse touring companies may been low-key and safe, there are some dangers that may occur in these businesses. For example, a tour may suffer from an accident or crash that impacts the health and well being of the horses and the customers. As a result, commercial insurance for horse tour companies provides high-quality coverage needed to keep these companies safe from financial loss.

Coverage Types Available

Individuals interested in commercial insurance for horse touring and riding companies have many options from which they can choose. For example, they can buy medical insurance and liability coverage for their team. This helps to protect riders from injury if they don’t ride a horse properly or get bucked off during a tour. General aggregate and property insurance is also available.

Beyond these coverage options, horse owners should also purchase mortality and theft coverage for their horses. This type of insurance is designed to kick in should a horse unexpected pass away or get stolen by somebody. In this way, a tour company can replace their horse and stay in business should one of their beloved beauties disappear.

Find Commercial Policies That You Deserve

So if you live in Monroe, CT and run a horse touring company, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Fida Insurance Group. We can help individuals like you get the high-quality commercial insurance that you need to stay solvent financially and successful with your horse tour business.

Is it Time to Upgrade your Home Insurance?

If you haven’t reviewed or updated your home insurance in a while, now is a good time to do so. You don’t want to be caught off guard in the event of a disaster. By reviewing your coverage with a Fida Insurance Group agent, you can see if adjustments need to be made in your policy to compensate for changes in your structure, contents or lifestyle. The beginning of a new year is a good time to update home insurance to ensure you’re protected throughout the coming year.

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Insurance?

If you renovated your home over the last year, you’ll need to include these renovations in your coverage. Major renovations like a new roof,  new bathroom or deluxe kitchen remodel could increase your home’s value, making your current coverage insufficient to fully protect your property. Upgrading your dwelling insurance will help compensate for this increased value. By having your home in Monroe, CT reappraised, you can get a better idea of the new value of your property so you can adjust your coverage accordingly.

In like manner, you may have received pricey gifts or made costly purchases over the holidays that need to be added to your coverage. If the limits of your contents insurance are too low to protect these goods, you’ll need to raise them or get additional insurance (an endorsement) to fully protect your valuables.

Liability coverage is yet another area to review on your policy. If you’re entertaining more or having people stay over for extended periods of time, you may need more liability coverage to protect you against accidents.

Benefits of Upgrading Insurance Coverage

Upgrading your coverage gives you greater protection against unforeseen accidents and disasters. To upgrade your home insurance policy, contact an agent from Fida Insurance Group, Monroe, CT. 

How to Get Auto Insurance For Your Teen

So your teen has finally started driving. While this will help free up some of your own time (no more driving them around everywhere they need to go!), it’s understandably a bit nervewracking while they’re out there on the road by themselves. After all, we all know just how responsible we "thought" we were back at that age. But whether they’re driving your car or have one of their own, they need to be properly insured. If you live in the Monroe, CT area, the experts at Fida Insurance Group are here to help you get your teen driver the auto coverage they need before hitting the road. 

It’s important to note that while a teen is driving supervised on a learner’s permit in Connecticut, they do not need their own insurance policy as long as the supervising driver has one. That said, they do need to have insurance once they are able to drive on their own. Most parents choose to add teens to their own auto policy for convenience purposes, although it is possible for you to get them their own individual coverage.

Now, because the accident risk is generally much higher for teens than it is for adults with some years of experience under their belts, the insurance premiums for teens are usually going to be much higher than your own. Nevertheless, you may be able to lower their premium costs by raising the deductible. And if you are getting them their own insurance policy for their own vehicle, it’s wise to avoid sports cars and flashier autos that may come with higher insurance rates anyway. 

To learn more about getting auto insurance for your teen in the Monroe, CT area, contact Fid Insurance Group today. We’re happy to sit down with both you and your teen to go over all of the options available to you and help keep your teen as safe as possible. 

You Just Retired: Do You Still Need Life Insurance?

Your corporate job in the Monroe, CT area provided a life insurance policy as part of your benefits package. Now that you have retired and the kids have their own families, do you really need a life insurance policy? There might be more than one reason why a term or whole life insurance policy from Fida Insurance Group would help you complete your retirement portfolio.

Planning for Final Expenses

Your 401K and pension are taking care of you and your spouse regarding monthly bills. Have you thought about the expense of a funeral? A life insurance policy can leave your spouse the extra cash needed to send you off in style without affecting their lifestyle or taking a chunk out of your principal investments. 

Help the Grandkids with College or a Down Payment

Maybe you want to make sure that your children or grandkids will receive a little extra cash down the road. They could surely use it to help pay for a new house or to reduce their student loan debt. It won’t affect your ability to take that extra cruise now or to take the road trip on your bucket list. It’s like making sure one last gift is left for your loved ones. 

Provide Peace of Mind for Your Spouse

Perhaps your pension is only paid to you, not your spouse. Life insurance can help replace the lost income and ensure that they will be able to live in comfort for their remaining days. 

While you may not be worried about losing your Monroe, CT area home in your retirement, life insurance from Fida Insurance Group can still offer the security of know that your family will be cared for even after you are gone. Give our helpful agents a call and ask us about all our life insurance products today.

What Kind Of Damages Are Included In Home Insurance?

When you’re living in Monroe, CT, you need to make sure you have a home insurance policy that is capable of protecting you against anything that might happen. All sorts of damages can occur to your home. Fida Insurance Group can help you to review your policy to ensure you’re sufficiently protected.

A standard policy will protect you against fire, hail, lightning, and storms. Other disasters might be listed in your policy, too. If they’re included in the policy, then you can file a claim. Otherwise, a claim would be denied if the damages are as a result of something that isn’t covered.

Floods, for example, might not be included in your home insurance policy. If you experience a flood at your home, the damages would not be covered by your home insurance company. This could leave you vulnerable for the expenses.

Damages may not be covered by earthquakes or routine wear and tear, either. This is why you want to make sure that you read through your home insurance policy carefully. It is also possible to include various riders so that you can include additional levels of coverage.

It’s nearly impossible to guess at what could happen. However, you can look at what has happened around your neighborhood in the past. If floods, earthquakes, or various other problems have occurred, you will want to make sure that you have enough protection on your home insurance policy. This way, if you file a claim, you can do so with confidence knowing that the insurance company will take care of the majority of expenses. The only thing you would have to pay out-of-pocket is the deductible.

At Fida Insurance Group, we have independent insurance agents to help you with your home insurance. We can ensure you’re covered against any damages that could occur in Monroe, CT.



How To Protect Your Business From Breakins

As a business owner, you have invested a lot of time and money into your company. Nothing could be worse than to have that investment violated through a burglary. There are many things a business owner can do to better protect his business from this type of invasion. 


One of the best first lines of defense against a break-in is illuminating your buildings well. Criminals want the cover of darkness in order to commit their crimes without notice. Make sure that your entire facility is well lit after hours. This will discourage most criminals from even considering your facility. Install lighting both inside and outside in order to keep all areas safe. 

Use Alarms and Safes

If you are keeping valuable merchandise or cash on the premises, you should use safes. Using a safe that cannot be easily removed from the premises is a great way to keep these items out of reach even in the event of a break in. This will greatly cut down on your loses should a burglar actually gain access to your facility. Even if you feel that you are operating in a relatively safe neighborhood, you should have alarms installed. These alarms are one of the best ways you can discourage burglars. The more sensitive the alarm is, the better chance you have of scaring off a criminal before he gains entry to your business. 

Hire Wisely

Even if you take all the right steps to keep people from breaking in, you must also be on the lookout for dangers from within your company. This is where your hiring process becomes a line of defense against criminal activity. Make sure your hiring process is stringent.  Only hire people you feel you can trust.

By protecting your company from break-ins you can increase your peace of mind and your bottom line in the long run. If you would like to learn more about how to protect your business contact Fida Insurance Group Monroe, CT.

Do Unpaid Parking Tickets Affect Your Insurance Premiums?

In Monroe, CT, residents who have questions about their auto insurance need to talk to agents who are willing to go the extra mile. The agents of Fida Insurance Group understand that their clients want to be fully informed when it comes to the things that can have an adverse effect on their car insurance. This is why they are always available when their clients call in to find answers concerning parking tickets and moving violations.

Penalties For Unpaid Parking Tickets

Many people don’t realize that the penalties for having unpaid parking tickets can be extremely costly if they aren’t taken care of in a timely fashion. In addition to towing costs, impound storage, and the fees tacked on by the city, the cost of not paying your tickets goes far beyond the cost of the actual ticket. Depending on your areas local laws, having numerous unpaid parking tickets can also affect your insurance premiums.

A Suspended License

In some areas, allowing your unpaid parking tickets to accumulate can eventually cost you your driver’s license. If the amount of the fees reach beyond a certain amount (this will be determined by the area), the license branch may be required to suspend your driver’s license until all of your past tickets are paid in full. In addition to towing your vehicle, the fees associated with getting your license back can be costly.

The agents of Fida Insurance Group are always ready to assist the residents of Monroe, CT. If you live in the area and have questions about parking tickets, the agents encourage you to call in and schedule an appointment. They can give you the information you need so that you can get your tickets paid and keep your insurance coverage intact.



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