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How Often Should You Update Your Home Insurance Policy?

Updating a home insurance policy isn’t something most people think about. They get their insurance, and then they keep it active so they can protect their home the right way. But there’s more to the story than just having a policy. When life changes, you make updates to your home, or there are other factors that come into play, updating the policy can be very important. If you’re in the Monroe, CT area and are concerned about updating your homeowner’s coverage, Fida Insurance Group can help you get the support you need and get your questions answered.

In most cases, it’s good to review your home coverage at least once per year. Of course, you may need to review it more often if you have substantial changes in your home. Adding onto your structure, for example, or doing a large remodel, could mean needing an update. You may also need to update if you have more people in the home, get a dog or an exotic pet, or purchase an unattached structure for the property or an item that might not typically be covered, such as a grand piano. If you’re in doubt at all, asking your agent can put your mind at ease. 

By reaching out to Fida Insurance Group today, you can get any questions answered and updates made to your home insurance policy. Anyone in or around the Monroe, CT area can get in touch with us and our agents will be happy to address their policy concerns. Because a house is such a large and important asset, it’s very important to make sure it has the right type and level of protection. Then you won’t have to worry about it and can get back to living your life and enjoying your home to the fullest.

Who should have basic auto insurance

Basic auto insurance is the least amount of insurance allowed by law. In Connecticut, the basic amount of auto insurance required is 25/50/25. That means $25,000 for a single person for injuries in an accident with a top amount of $50,000 for each accident. $25,000 for property damage. The uninsured and underinsured amount must be equal to the injury coverage. This is the must-have amount, not the should have amount. At Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT, we take the mystery out of buying auto insurance with clear and concise information. We look at your needs and make sure your insurance coverage keeps you safe. 

When it comes to who should have basic auto insurance, everyone who drives in the state of Connecticut must have at least basic auto insurance. Whether it is right for you will be determined by several factors. Do you have any assets? If you own a home, likely, the minimum amount of liability will not be adequate to protect your home from the results of a lawsuit. Discuss this figure with your trusted independent agent to come up with the amount that will provide the safety net you need. 

If you have a car loan, you will need to carry collision and comprehensive coverage. Even if you don’t have a loan if you have a vehicle with more value than about $1000, it is probably worth your while to have comprehensive and collision coverage. Car repairs or replacements are expensive and if it is not an amount you can easily pay for with your savings or out of your packet, then the coverage will give you peace of mind. Having your car when you need it is vital for most people. 

Contact  Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT  to discuss your auto insurance coverage. We have the knowledge and experience to make sure you have the coverage you need. 

How Does a Whole Life Insurance Policy Work?

Life Insurance

Most people need life insurance to cover their final expenses and to help those who depended on the insured. It could be important to your family’s financial future to become insured and stay insured. That’s where a whole life policy comes in. If you’re interested in a policy, call us at Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT to talk to an agent.

Whole Life Coverage

This type of policy is referred to as "whole life" because it keeps you insured for the rest of your life. If you keep paying the premiums as agreed, your policy can’t be canceled by the insurance company. When you die and are insured by this policy, your beneficiaries will have the death benefit amount as stipulated in your contract. 

Cash Value

As you continue paying your premiums, your insurance policy will build a cash value. This value is a part of your premiums that is invested. As the cash value grows, you can borrow it against your death benefit. With this arrangement, the amount that you borrow is deducted from the death benefit if you should die before repaying the borrowed funds. If you die without any of this amount being borrowed, your beneficiaries get the death benefit- not the accrued cash value. 

The cash value that you can borrow is one of the biggest selling points of the whole life policy. It will be there in case you have a sudden financial need such as an accident, layoffs, college expenses, etc. 

Get Your Whole Life Policy

If you are interested in a whole life policy, call us at Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT to learn more about how these policies work. Make an appointment to talk with an agent about how a whole life policy could benefit you and your family. 

What is included with commercial insurance?

Owning a company in the Monroe, CT area continues to be a dream for a lot of people. If you are going to own a company here, there is going to be a lot of potentials to be successful. When you are looking to start a company in this area, you do need to make sure that you protect it as well as you can. One great way that you can do this is by getting a commercial insurance policy. This form of insurance offers several forms of coverage for your business. 

Protection Against Liability Risk

One of the benefits of a commercial insurance policy is that it can protect against liability risk. When you do get a commercial insurance policy, it will contain a provision that will cover you and your business if you are found liable for damages to another party. Given the number of interactions that some businesses have with customers on a daily basis, this could be extremely valuable and offer peace of mind.

Coverage for Business Assets

You will also want to get commercial insurance if you have invested in assets for your business. Many companies will purchase equipment, inventory, and other core assets that are needed to grow and develop the organization. If you do purchase these assets, it is important to protect them as well as you can. A commercial insurance policy will have a provision that could replace these items if they are damaged, destroyed, or stolen.

As you are shopping for a new commercial insurance policy in the Monroe, CT area, it would be a good idea to call the Fida Insurance Group. When you work with the Fida Insurance Group you will know that you are in good hands. The team here can help you find the insurance you need to protect your organization. 

3 Ways to Protect Your Home from a Fire if You Have a Fireplace

When the temperature drops, there is nothing cozier than a warm fire in the fireplace. Residents in Monroe, CT can turn to the agents of Fida Insurance Group to help them choose a homeowners’ policy that provides them with the coverage they need. It’s important to have the right type of coverage in place to ensure that you have sufficient coverage, especially if you have a fireplace or woodburning stove. 

Use a Fireplace Screen

A firescreen sets in front of your fireplace and works to prevent embers and sparks from finding their way onto the floor or other flammable surfaces. Fireplace screens do not block the heat, only the sparks and hot embers. Fireplace screens can be found that are very basic or extremely decorative. 

Keep Flammables Away From the Fireplace

Most resources advise homeowners to keep any flammable materials at least six feet away from your fireplace when a fire is burning. This includes rugs, furniture, curtains, clothing, home decor, or kindling. 

Keep a Fire Extinguisher Handy

Having a fire extinguisher handy is also a good idea. This will allow you to take control of a situation that does occur. Being able to put a fire out quickly is the best way to prevent extensive damage to your home. It only takes a few seconds for a fire to get out of control.

The agents of Fida Insurance Group offer Monroe, CT residents the best possible service when it comes to quality homeowners’ insurance policies. Each agent has the experience that residents can rely on. If you are looking for the best possible insurance coverage, call the office of Fida Insurance Group. The agents can provide you with the information you are looking for.

Tips For Getting the Perfect Auto Insurance Policy

Though many people think of auto insurance as merely a legal obligation, it is a useful investment that you make to protect yourself, your family, and your future from the unexpected. It is not easy to pick the right auto insurance, especially if you have never done it before. There are many considerations that should go into choosing a good auto insurance policy. In order to help you, Fida Insurance Group serving Monroe, CT has prepared some tips for getting the perfect coverage for your vehicle: 

Choose the right deductible

There is often a give-and-take between premium and deductible. If you choose a higher deductible, then you get a lower premium. Figure out what you can afford and consider such important factors as your own risk tolerance and driving record. Discuss other factors with your insurance agent and see how they can impact your premium. 

Consider limits of liability 

The state of Connecticut has the minimum liability requirements for auto insurance. Higher limits mean more coverage when you may need it most (after an accident for example). Instead of starting at the bottom and working up to higher limits, it is better to start with higher limits in the beginning and then work the way down. 

Compare at least several policies

One of the best ways to find a perfect auto insurance policy is by comparison. Take your time and shop around by comparing offers from at least three different insurance companies. Even though it may take you some time, you will be able to save money in the future. 

If you are a resident from Monroe, CT or any other surrounding community and you are looking for a reliable insurance company to insure your vehicle, Fida Insurance Group is ready to assist you. Our experienced agents will do their best to help you chose a policy based on your budget and insurance needs. Give us a call today to talk to one of our experienced agents. 

A Guide To Help Connecticut Residents Find The Right Life Insurance Policy

Fida Insurance Group assists the Monroe, CT community by offering them multiple insurance policies. We are committed to helping our clients protect their assets.

Life Insurance

It’s hard to predict the future. None of us know where life may take us in five years. That’s why it is important to have protection. Life insurance allows you to have a plan in place in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Life insurance gives your family security so that they do not have to worry once you have passed. Here is a guide to assist you as you research different policies.

Term Life Insurance

 Term life insurance covers you for a specified number of years. The policy will likely include renewal language as the end of the term approaches. Term life is a common policy for people who have young children or are in the midst of a long career.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides coverage throughout your entire lifetime. Whole Life insurance policies include several differences from term life policies, including the ability to invest.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life insurance provides you with some flexibility. You have control over the length of your policy, as well as the terms.

Sit down with your family and discuss the type of life insurance policy that you believe would be the best fit. This is one of the biggest decisions that you’ll make during your life. Do not wait until you are in your 40s to decide on a policy; start planning today.

Fida Insurance Group Can Help

We can help you prepare for the future by discussing your policy options. Stop by our office in Monroe, CT and we will help you find the right life insurance policy for your situation.

Common Types of Commercial Insurance

Business owners in the Monroe, CT area may have questions concerning what types of commercial insurance they need to protect their business and employees.  Fida Insurance Group has friendly professional agents available to discuss the three main types of commercial insurance which are:  property insurance, liability insurance, and workers’ compensation.  

Property commercial insurance is necessary to cover any buildings your company may own or lease.  This type of insurance will cover the buildings as well as your personal belongings and the personal property of others in case of damage or loss.  Not only is the actual company-owned or leased building(s) covered, but the company property is covered as well.  This could include but is not limited to tools, equipment, inventory, and furniture.  Having the right policy in place will help you in the event your business has to repair or replace any of the property or equipment due to a natural disaster like a hurricane, blizzard, lightning strike, hail storm.  This type of coverage also helps if the damage prevents you from reopening and helps to get the business up and running once the repair and replacements are made.  

Commercial liability insurance will protect your business from claims alleging bodily injury or property damage as well as possible libel and slander issues as well.  Liability insurance can help a business if its reputation is harmed due to slander, libel, malicious prosecution, or even wrongful eviction. 

Workers’ Compensation Insurance will protect your employees and your business from any work-related accidents that may occur on your property or while outperforming a service for a client.  Businesses in almost every state are required to carry this type of insurance to cover medical costs and loss of wages for workers who are hurt or become sick on the job.  

Fida Insurance Group can help you make sure your business is covered properly with property, liability, and workers’ compensation insurance.  Many clients will require proof of insurance before they will sign a contract for you to provide them with goods or perform services.  Start at our website to start looking for the right policy for your business. 

How Does Home Insurance Cover Carpeting?

When you install new carpeting in your Monroe, CT home, you’ll want to put in a call to your insurer and let them know.

As a general rule of thumb, if it’s attached to the home, it’s part of the home. If it’s not, it’s filed under possessions. This means that new carpeting, or any flooring, is included with the value of the home. And, it means that a throw rug is a possession. Even a room-sized rug is a possession. These will be included in your inventory alongside your TV, jewelry, and so on.

This extends to furniture and appliances and such, as well. A sofa is a possession. But if you convert a window into a sitting window, that’s part of the home. The throw pillows you use to cushion the seat are possessions, but what you sit on is part of your home.

There are a few exceptions to the "if it’s attached" rule, of course. A poster you’ve hung up on your bedroom door isn’t part of the house, as far as your home insurance provider is concerned. Shelves can be part of the house, but because shelves are generally cheap and easy to replace, most people don’t bother getting them covered on their policy either way. Cabinets, on the other hand, are very much a part of the structure.

If you’re ever unsure as to whether something is a personal possession or part of the home, give your insurer a call. It’s not always set-in-stone or uniform from one insurance company to the next, and your insurance agent is here to answer your questions, that’s a big part of what you pay them for.

If you’re still shopping around for home insurance in Monroe, CT, get in touch with Fida Insurance Group. At Fida Insurance Group we can compare quotes and get you protected with a policy that works for you.

When Is the Best Time to Update Your Car Insurance?

Owning a car in Monroe, CT is important, and it comes with a bit of responsibility. You have to have insurance for your car, and the prices and requirements of that insurance change all the time. If you’re wondering when your insurance should be updated, these are some of the most important times.

When You Change Cars

It’s pretty obvious that you should update your insurance when you buy a car. But, sometimes you might switch which vehicle is your primary without making a purchase. Maybe you moved closer to work and don’t need to drive the efficiency commuter as much. Maybe you have a lifestyle change that makes the other car more comfortable. For whatever reason, if you find which car you drive the most changing, it’s a good idea to inform your insurance company.

You Hit Milestone

There are a lot of lifestyle factors that affect your insurance rates. Hitting 30 might get you lower premiums. Getting married can have an impact. So can having kids. Any time you go through a major change, chat with your Fida Insurance Group representative to see if it can lead to savings.

You Move

While moving can be considered a milestone, it’s of particular importance to your insurer. Each state has its own insurance laws, so if you move out of state, you need to let the insurance company know. They need to make sure you’re legally compliant. Even if you’re just moving to a new neighborhood in Monroe, CT, the new address can impact your premiums. Substantial changes in the traffic surrounding you and other factors can all impact your premiums.

The best way to always have the best insurance policy is to keep your Fida Insurance Group rep informed. They’re always looking for ways to help you. Keeping in touch only empowers them to do their job.


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