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244 Monroe Turnpike (Route 111)
Monroe, CT 06468

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The Best Things to Do Before a Winter Storm

Winter storms are a common occurrence in Monroe, CT. Even if you are used to them, you may not be properly preparing for them. Before the next winter storm comes, be sure to use these tricks so you are fully prepared.

Stock Up on Food and Water

Winter storms can be unpredictable and you want to make sure you have enough food and water in the home for everyone to survive on for a few days, just in case you are stranded. When choosing food, you may want to opt for some options that do not require any cooking in case you lose power at any point during the storm. 

Get Salt

More than likely, you will get some ice on your driveway and walkways. To help speed the melting process up, put some salt, sand, or cat litter on these areas before the storm. Even if you cannot do this before the storm, have some so you can put it on after. 

Get Other Essentials

You should also get some items that you may need like an emergency kit, candles, fireplace supplies, and extra blankets. Make sure you are prepared for anything including a power outage. It is always good to have a heat source so make sure you have everything you need for your fireplace. 

Even when you are prepared for a winter storm, things can still happen and you may have damage to your home. The best way to protect your investment is with a great home insurance policy. If you are looking to get your first policy or simply want to shop around for a new one, be sure to contact our office serving Monroe, CT. Fida Insurance Group can get you some quotes that you can afford for policies hat can protect you.

It’s a New Year! It’s Time to Review Your Home Insurance Policy

Happy New Year! It’s time for making those resolutions.  It’s also a great time to review some of your past accomplishments, like buying your Monroe, CT home, and ensuring it remains protected in the future. When was the last time you checked your home insurance policy? Will it still take care of you in case of sudden loss?

What Is Your Home’s Assessed Value Now?

Now is a good time to give your agent at Fida Insurance Group a call and find out how much your home is valued for on your home insurance policy. Then check your tax records.  Property values have been climbing in recent years. Would your policy cover the cost of replacing the house if it was lost due to a fire? If you have owned your home for ten years of more, there’s a good chance your coverage needs updating.

Is Your Small Business At Risk?

Is the liability section of your home insurance policy sufficient to protect your other investments, such as a small business? Should somebody suffer an accident on your property, it’s important that your policy is able to take care of their medical bills and expenses without impacting the quality of your life or your business concerns. What was enough when you bought the home may no longer provide the coverage you need now.

Are You Getting All Your Discounts?

Maybe you might save a few dollars when you talk to Fida Insurance Group. If you have completed security improvements to your Monroe, CT area home or have insured other property, you may be eligible for significant savings.

Set up an appointment with us today by giving us a call. We look forward to working together in the new year.


Need Home Insurance in Monroe, CT? You Need a Trusted Agent

When you buy a great new home in Monroe, CT, one of the things you will need to do is protect your investment. You can do that through the right home insurance policy, and to get that policy you will want to work with a trusted agent who can provide you with plenty of information on the policy, the coverage amounts, the cost, and other factors. Getting your questions answered is important, and having an insurance agent who can answer those questions for you matters. By seeking out that agent from FIDA Insurance Group, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have the right coverage.

Whether you have a mortgage and need coverage for the lender, or you just want to make sure the investment you made in your home is protected in case of a loss or claim, the home insurance policy you have should be able to meet your needs. As those needs change, you may also need to adjust your policy so it work with the changes in your life. Those changes can come from downsizing, getting a bigger home, making improvements, or many other factors, so having an agent who can help you through all of that is the right choice.

When you work with the independent agents of FIDA Insurance Group to get coverage for your Monroe, CT home, you will have not only peace of mind but a policy that is affordable on your budget and protects you the way you need. As your needs change in the future, reach out to your agent for adjustments, suggestions, and answer to your questions. Then you can be sure that the home insurance policy you have is really the right one for you.

Cleaning Up Debris in the Fall and How It’s Connected to Home Insurance in Monroe, CT

If you live in Monroe, CT, you are likely no stranger to the seasonal changes that take throughout the year. The autumn can be a particularly concerning time for homeowners, as this time of the year presents challenges that, if not dealt with properly, can end up costing a great deal of money and even driving up home insurance costs. It would be a good idea to go over your home insurance policy in order to make sure you are as prepared as possible for this seasonal change.

One major concern during the fall season is that accumulation of dead vegetation, such as dead leaves. If you are experiencing a rainy autumn, you should make sure that this debris is cleared from your gutters. Clogged drainage systems can lead to water backup problems can can end up costing you a lot of money. If you are experiencing a dry autumn season, the extra debris can put you at greater risk for fires. In either case, it is a good idea to clear away the debris, so that you can avoid what could become very costly damage to your home and belongings that may extend even beyond your home insurance coverage limits.

If you want to know more about what you can do to prepare for autumns and winters in Monroe, CT, you should contact the professionals at Fida Insurance Group. Here, we have many insurance agents who will be able to answer your questions and tell you how you can minimize any costs related to your home. The agents of Fida Insurance Group can give you all of the information you need about home insurance and other costs pertaining to your domicile.

What You Should Know About Commercial Auto Insurance

If you are just starting your business, or you’ve been in business for years, ensuring that you are prepared for the unknown is a big deal. Risks to your business are ever-present. In particular, if you have drivers driving your company vehicle, then your business is exposed in some different ways. Fortunately, our team at Fida Insurance Group can help you understand commercial auto insurance, which underscores the need for you to have it.

Commercial Auto Insurance Comes with Larger Limits

It only takes a moment to compare your declarations page for your commercial auto insurance policy to your personal policy to see there is a difference. One main difference is the coverage limits. As a business, lawsuits typically cost you more. As a result, your commercial auto insurance policy will have larger limits than your personal insurance policy for your vehicle.

Commercial Auto Insurance Covers You for Business Purposes

Commercial auto insurance is specifically for your business vehicles. If you are using your personal vehicle as your business vehicle, and you allow others to drive your vehicle for personal reasons, you may not be covered. Your commercial auto insurance limits who can and who can’t drive your business car. To ensure you are covered at all times, you should speak with us about the limitations of your commercial auto insurance.

Small Businesses Need Commercial Auto Insurance Too

Size isn’t a factor when it comes to commercial auto insurance. If you conduct business using a vehicle, then it’s likely you need commercial auto insurance. By purchasing commercial auto insurance, you are protecting your business. You may find that your personal auto insurance may not cover you if you get into a wreck while you are working.

Learn more about our commercial auto insurance products by visiting our website. When you are ready, you can give us a call to get a quote for your next policy.



Do You Really Need Life Insurance: Why life insurance is non-negotiable

Living a long, happy life with the people you love is what the world is all about. With families, friends, and celebrations, it can be difficult to begin to plan for life insurance and considering how to protect your family when you are gone. While it is admittedly a difficult task to consider what will happen after you pass and how well taken care of your family will be, it is totally necessary. But, why is life insurance necessary?

1. Life insurance will help pay off debts- You may have unsettled debts that will then become the responsibility of your spouse when you are gone. This can spin your family into financial ruin if they are unprepared to pay off these debts. Life insurance funds can help pay for those debts and help keep your family afloat.

2.  Life insurance will help to maintain your family’s lifestyle- The truth is that, when you are gone, your income will be gone as well and can potentially throw your family into a financial crisis. Life insurance can help your family maintain their lifestyle, bills, and priorities as they did before.

3. Secure your family’s financial future- Aside from bills, if you have children, your life insurance can contribute to their educational future that can otherwise be difficult to pay without you there.

Our agents at Fida Insurance Group can go over your concerns and needs when it comes to life insurance and how we can service you and your family. We understand that it can be a difficult topic but our agents want to make the process smoother.


Secure Your Family’s Future with Life Insurance

When it comes to life insurance, most people attempt to avoid the conversation until it’s necessary. Unfortunately, waiting until it’s necessary can be too late for your family. Instead of waiting, a conversation about life insurance could secure your family’s future.

How Life Insurance Benefits Your Family

Families throughout Monroe, CT are finding that life insurance gives them the lump sum of money they need when they are at their lowest financially. When a family member passes, it’s devastating. If you add financial hardships to the equation, then it could be insufferable. Instead of living through this, many breadwinners are securing life insurance policies that will help their surviving family members pay off the mortgage or car loans.

Life Insurance Gives Families Time to Grieve

Beyond taking care of the finances, life insurance offers surviving family members peace of mind. Pressures to meet financial obligations following the death of a loved one can force family members to return to work before they are mentally and emotionally ready. However, with the death benefit associated with a life insurance policy, surviving family members can take as much time as they want to grieve.

Life Insurance Allows You to Leave a Legacy

Even if your family is financially secure, you can leave them a financial legacy by purchasing life insurance. With the death benefits associated with a life insurance policy, you can ensure that your children go to the college of their dreams, create a business that will support them for years to come, or allow them to amass wealth they never thought possible. You can do this by selecting a death benefit that exceeds your financial obligations.

At Fida Insurance Group, we have an insurance policy that will help you protect your family after you are gone. If you are in the market for insurance, don’t hesitate to give us a call or visit our website.


Keep Your Cool While Driving

Fida Insurance Group notes that aggressive driving is a serious problem that results in accidents and deaths. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that aggressive driving causes 66% of fatalities. Aggressive driving is a violation of traffic rules. When aggressive driving gets out of control, it is “road rage,” which is a criminal offense.

In road rage incidents, 37% of the time a firearm is involved. Young men under nineteen years-old are the most likely ones to show road rage. About half of drivers who experience aggressive attacks from other drivers, such as rude gestures, showing a weapon, tailgating, and honking of a horn, respond with aggression as well, including attempts to run a vehicle off the road. This only escalates, what is already a bad situation.

Avoiding the Problem in the First Place
Aggressive-driving behavior creates an aggressive response. Additionally, many drivers seem oblivious about their effect on other drivers. Distracted driving, such as texting or talking on a cell phone, is illegal in most parts of the country. It is one of the causes of aggressive responses from other drivers.

Other things that trigger a road rage response include, not signaling when changing lanes, following too closely, cutting people off in traffic by not checking the blind spot for another vehicle, and leaving high-beam headlights on at night that blinds oncoming traffic as well as shines too brightly on the vehicles ahead.

By avoiding these offensive behaviors, there is a reduced likelihood of experiencing road rage.

Keeping Cool
If road rage occurs, stay calm. Do not respond with aggressive tactics. Hopefully, the other driver will simply go on their way after a short outburst of aggression. Do not try to chase them or get even. Do not honk the horn or make rude gestures and avoid eye contact with the other driver. If it is safe to do so, exit the highway or make a turn and let the other driver go away.

Contact the agents of Fida Insurance Group for all your insurance needs and keep your cool to avoid problems with road rage.

6 Tips to Having A Safe Move

It is and exciting adventure whenever you get a new place. It could be for a new job, marriage, or a number of other reasons. There is something that all movers have in common though and that is they need to get the move done safely. Below are a few tips to help you have an injury free  and accident-free move.

1. Get Rid of Flammable Items Before the Move

They are simply not worth the risk of bring them along. So lose the extra fireworks from the 4th of July and that half gallon of gas in that container or better yet pore it into your car.

2. Wear Closed Toed Shoes on Moving Day

Yes, it might be hot out and you are going to do a lot of lifting but sandals are not a good way to stay cool. A box can drop crushing your toes and ruining your day while giving a nasty out of budget medical bill to go with it.

3. Pace Yourself

It is important not to overly exert yourself. So when you plan give yourself some slack time in your schedule. Heat exhaustion and other injuries are a real threat.

4. Proper Hydration and Nourishment

It is important to take care of yourself while you are doing all that lifting and hard work. A big part of that is to drink plenty of WATER (Not Soda) and have a healthy meal before you start. If you have help it would be nice of you to provide food.

5. Use Your Legs When Lifting

Your legs are much stronger than your arms and more importantly your back. Injuring your back through unsafe lifting technics is a painful and expensive mistake.

6. Update Your Homeowners or Renters Insurance

A new home or apartment means new things you need to consider with your insurance. A great way to get this taken care of is by talking with the great insurance agents at visit them today at Fida Insurance Group and visiting them at  

5 Things to Consider Before Deciding on a Life Insurance Policy

Life insurance may not be a fun topic to consider, but it’s good to have it as a safety measure for the loved ones in your life. You’re used to people depending on you, which means you need to have the right policy in your back pocket, so you know everyone will be provided for. Here are 5 things to consider before you decide on a policy.

1. Short-Term or Long-Term

Term life insurance and permanent life insurance offer different benefits for different people. Those who want term typically choose when they have a set amount of time they want covered (e.g., until their children turn 18.) Permanent will not only cover you for your whole life, but it also allows you to build up a savings over time.

2. Lifestyle

Rates depend on your lifestyle, so you’ll need to keep that in mind before you call up your first company. Those who do particularly high-risk activities need to be prepared for an assessment before receiving a quote.

3. Cost

A term policy will typically cost less than a permanent policy, but it’s also important to remember that having the protection in place is sometimes necessary for a longer time period than term can afford you.

4. Term to Perm

You may want to learn more about convertible term policies before you decide. Typically these will let you convert your policy from term to permanent, and you can do so without seeing the doctor. You will need to pay more for these premiums though.

5. Finding Help

Fida Insurance Group serves Monroe, CT and we’re happy to provide you with the quote you need to cross compare your options. Give us a call today for more information.



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