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Does Marriage or Divorce Affect Your Home Insurance?

A change of status from single to married or vice versa could have an effect on your home insurance. When people marry, they usually combine two households, increasing the amount of goods that need coverage. As a result, you may need to increase your policy limits to get accurate protection. In the case of divorce, you may need less coverage due to a spouse leaving with his or her personal effects. Here are a few ways a change of status can impact your home insurance policy.


If you and your new spouse bundle your home and auto policies, you could qualify for a discount on your premium, saving you money on insurance costs. This savings could be invested in increasing coverage limits to protect your combined households.

An increase in personal property will require more coverage, especially if your spouse brings valuable goods into your Monroe, CT home. At Fida Insurance Group, we can help you personalize a homeowner’s policy that meets you and your spouse’s needs.  

As newlyweds, you may also want extra liability coverage to protect your combined assets. Umbrella liability insurance will protect such assets as your home, vehicles, rental properties, etc. against major claims or lawsuits.


Divorce will require that you alter your policy to reflect changes in your household. If your spouse leaves with his or her personal effects or you divide furniture or other assets, you could reduce property coverage to save on insurance costs. If both of you are listed on the policy, you’ll need to make changes to ensure you’re still covered once the divorce is done.

By discussing upcoming status changes with your Fida Insurance Group agent in Monroe, CT, you can avoid problems in protecting your property. We’ll do all we can to ensure a smooth transition in your home insurance coverage.    


Aspects That Are Not Catered for Under General Liability Insurance

Each day, people come in and out of your business. Therefore, having general liability insurance from Fida Insurance Group is a good idea since any accident that happens in your business premise is considered to be your responsibility. However, there are many things that general liability insurance under commercial insurance does not cater for in Monroe, CT which include;

Property damage

Take a scenario where you own your restaurant in Monroe, CT. You need to finish some tasks and have to work late night then, unfortunately, there is a storm brew.  There is a strong wind which blows everything in your kitchen and all the cakes, and other foods are obliterated into a mess and utensils litter all over the floor.

General liability insurance will not cater for such kind of damages. It only pays for third-party property damage. This means that it pays for the damages caused by your employee to another person’s property and you will, therefore, need to buy a commercial property insurance to cater for your property damage.

Employee injuries

If your employee is injured while working for you, you cannot turn to general liability insurance for payment. You will need workers’ compensation insurance for such case to pay for the employee’s medical bills. General liability insurance can only cater for the non-employees injuries.

Employment disputes

In your business, you need many employees to fill different dockets so that they can share the workloads and maximize production. There could be a dispute between you and the employee whereby you may feel like the worker is not fulfilling his/her duties. For this reason, you decide to cut the employee’s pay, and the employee decides to sue you and makes false accusations against you. You will need employment practices liability insurance since general liability does not pay for such cases. 

Get general liability insurance from Fida Insurance Group to keep your visitors and neighbors protected and give you a financial security to help you keep everything that happens in your commercial premises under control.



The Essentials about Life Insurance

It’s difficult to think about what might happen to your loved ones after you’re gone. In order to reduce risk, get the proper amount of security for your family’s needs. Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT urges you to talk with the independent agents about securing life insurance to help you and your family.

Types of Life Insurance

  1. Term Life – is determined by a specific number of years. For example, you can enroll in a policy that has a 10-year term, 20-year term, or more. It is generally less expensive with fixed premiums. Term life insurance is normally used to replace income and can only be paid out if you die during the specified term. Once the term is up, you should contact your insurance agents to adjust your policy so you won’t lose coverage.
  2. Whole Life – is fixed coverage that remains during the life of the policyholder as long as the premiums are paid. Usually, these premiums are higher than term life insurance because they are available for a longer period of time. Whole life insurance typically matures after 15 years, which indicates that your beneficiaries may be able to collect after the premiums have been paid for 15 years.
  3. Universal Life – is designed to cover your family’s needs. You pay into an account where interest is accrued each month. It can be utilized to cover income, educational expenses, and mortgage costs. Universal life insurance is more flexible than other types of coverage since you can change the amount of premium that goes into the account.

It is up to you to make sure that your life insurance policy is up-to-date. You should review your policy regularly. If you need to make adjustments, the independent insurance agents at Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT can help you add or change your coverage.

Does Home Insurance Cover Injury to Visitors?

Everyone loves having visitors to their home but there is always the what if, what if they get hurt, how will I pay the bills, how will the issue be resolved? What most people do not know is that if someone is injured on your property or in your home, if you are insured, they are covered as well. For those in the Monroe, CT area, the agents with Fida Insurance Group can explain further.

Insurance on your home works to help protect you from any event that might happen. This means that it also protects you if your visitors are injured while in your home. This means that they will not be able to sue you personally but rather can file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance to help cover their medical costs. There are some stipulations, however.

The first is that they have to have been injured as a result of something in your home or your property itself. If they are stung by a bee, for instance, this would not be covered simply because it is a force of nature. If they fall into a hole on your property however and break their ankle, their claim would be covered. Similarly, if there was a tornado and they were in your home when it occurred and were injured the home and your visitors would both be covered.

The best way to see if you are insured is to talk with an agent and go over everything that the policy covers. As a general rule, homeowner’s insurance is in place to help maintain and protect the home as well as protect the homeowner. For those that live in the Monroe, CT area, the agents with Fida Insurance Group can go over each and every eventuality and help you find out just what your policy covers or what it might be lacking.

Is Liability Enough?

Liability is probably not enough to protect your business. Every industry, every business comes with its own unique set of risks, and while liability is near-universally required across the board for safe operation, there are few businesses for whom liability covers every single base. If you are working in a service field, and your equipment is cheap to replace, if you have any equipment at all, then an extensive liability plan might be enough. This describes a few categories of adviser and counselor and consultant, but not much else in Monroe, CT.

The foundation of safe operation in any business with a physical location is commercial insurance. Commercial insurance does for your company what homeowners insurance does for your house, essentially protecting all of the physical assets contained therein. This means that if there’s a fire or a break-in or something like that, then you will be covered in more instances than not. If you have anything at all within your physical location that you cannot afford to replace on your own dime, then commercial insurance is an absolute must.

Fida Insurance Group specializes in helping business owners connect with policies that fit their needs in Monroe, CT and elsewhere, and if you’re still shopping around for commercial insurance, or looking to get a better deal than your current provider allows, then it may be worth a call to see what’s available for you.

Although different businesses require different types and levels of insurance, it is incredibly rare that any company that can safely go without any protection at all. Fida Insurance Group can help to make sure that you are not working without a net.

Two Reasons You Need Full Coverage on Your Vehicle

Deciding on what level of coverage to get for your vehicle is a tricky process. Of course, getting full coverage is always the ideal, but if you have an older car or don’t drive very much, you could save money by getting comprehensive coverage. So, when is it a good idea to get full coverage for your car?

1. When it’s a lease – Full coverage is usually mandatory with a lease agreement. The dealership wants you to be fully covered in the event that it is damaged because they still technically own it. If your vehicle is totaled during its lease, the insurance company will replace it with a new car of the same model. Ask about the insurance requirements before you lease any vehicle. 

2. A New Car – A brand new car is best insured under full coverage auto insurance. It is probably one of your most expensive assets and its value drops dramatically once you take it off the lot. If you don’t have it fully insured you could lose a lot of money because of the value of the vehicle against what you get back for it after the accident. Always factor in the increased price of full coverage insurance when purchasing a new car. If you don’t, you could unknowingly go over your budget. 

Of course, if you can afford full coverage, you should have it on any vehicle that you can. There is no downside to being full insured besides the fact that it might cost a little bit more. Some cars are not valuable enough to justify the monthly premiums on full coverage insurance. If you have questions about this type of coverage and want to learn more, contact an insurance specialist at Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT so they can guide you to the right decision on your auto coverage. 

Do You Have Sufficient Home Coverage for Storm Damage?

Fierce winter storms can cause extensive damage to your Monroe, CT home. With home insurance from Fida Insurance Group, you can rest assured that your home and personal effects are protected against severe storms. If you live in an area where storms are prevalent, you should ensure you have adequate protection to meet your needs.

What Aspects of Storm Damage does Home Insurance Cover?

The average home insurance policy covers damage to your home structure and personal belongings due to inclement weather. This includes damage caused by falling trees or debris caused by severe winter storms, heavy rains, hail, winds and tornadoes or fire caused by lightning strikes. The amount of protection should coincide with the value of your property.

Flood protection is generally not covered within a standard home insurance policy. If you live in a flood zone, you should obtain flood insurance to protect your investment.

If storm damage makes your home unsafe to live in, loss of use insurance could cover your living expenses while your home is undergoing repairs. You can discuss this coverage with your insurer to get a better understanding of what it has to offer.  

Home Upkeep Essential to Receive Coverage

Home maintenance is essential to getting the storm damage protection you need. If your house is in disrepair or suffers extensive wear and tear, your insurer could refuse your storm damage claim, stating that poor maintenance contributed to the damage. Keeping up with home maintenance to include roof repairs, regular cleaning of gutters and replacement of worn windows and doors reduces the risk of severe storm damage to your home. It also makes it easier to file for a storm damage claim if and when you have need.    

For more information on how to obtain the best storm damage protection for your property, contact your Fida Insurance Group agent today.

Do Safe Driving Habits Help Reduce Premiums

Everyone is looking to reduce their insurance premiums, and some tips and tricks are not going to help. One tip that does help, however, is to be a safe driver. For those that live in or around the Monroe, CT area, the agents with Fida Insurance Group can tell you, being a safe driver certainly helps.

So how does safe driving help you to lower your monthly premiums? For starters, your premiums are calculated using a specific set of information that you provide. Your license number helps your insurance agency to look at your driving record to see what types of tickets you have had, what sorts of infractions, and what sort of accidents you have been in. The longer you record has been clean and free of infractions, the lower your premiums are going to be.

Insurance agencies have what they call high-risk drivers, those more likely to be in an accident, and low-risk drivers, those that are not likely to have an accident. Those that have a safe driving record are going to be considered lower risk drivers, which means, lower premiums. For those that have accidents, tickets, and infractions, they are going to be considered higher risk drivers.

There are also what are called safe driver discounts. Some companies offer discounts for holding a policy for a certain amount of time without having a claim or a reported accident. This can be a percentage of your premiums and coverage or even a partial reimbursement of your premiums from that specific range of time. No matter what, being a safe driver always pays off.

For those that live in the Monroe, CT area, the agents with Fida Insurance Group can help you find all the safe driver benefits you are eligible for.

Smart Home Security Tips

You want to keep your family and valuables safe. Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT has expert insurance agents available to advise you on how home security could affect your insurance policy.

Change Your Door Locks

With all of the excitement of a move, it is easy to forget that your home may be brand new to you but was someone else’s previously. Change all of your doors’ locks, including the bedrooms and garage doors. If you’re renting, you may need to contact your landlord before changing the locks and give them an extra set of keys.

Add an Alarm System

Mostly, alarm systems are a deterrent for burglars. Once they see or hear an alarm go off, they are likely to run away. But if they are bolder, an intruder may try to break in regardless of your system. The good thing about having an alarm is that the system immediately notifies your security company if there is an intruder. The company will, in turn, contact the police and send them to investigate the disturbance.

Protect Your Home When you’re Away

If you are away from your home on vacation or a lengthy business trip, keep the lights on at night. Install an automatic light timer that will turn your lights on and off during non-daylight hours or have a friend stay to show a presence in the house.

Call your local newspaper delivery service and the post office and have the deliveries stopped until your return date. A pile of newspapers and packages at your doorstep is an indicator to thieves that you are not home and won’t be back for some time.

In Monroe, CT, the independent insurance agents at the Fida Insurance Group can help you keep your home secure with homeowners coverage and any additional insurance that you may need.

Is Your Home in Good Shape for Winter?

It is the middle of winter now in Monroe, CT, which means cold weather. When it’s cold, it is nice to come home to a warm and cozy house. To keep your home comfortable and safe all winter long, it is important to take a few steps to winterize it. Even though we are well into the season already, at Fida Insurance Group, we believe it is never too late for routine maintenance that helps to preserve your home. If you haven’t prepared your home for winter, or have recently moved to the area, here are some steps to take get it in shape.

Winterizing the Exterior of Your Home

You may have already begun to use your fireplace.  However, you should still inspect the chimney if you have not already done so. Check inside the fireplace for debris. Examine the bricks and mortar joints around it. If any of these are damaged, repair them. While on the roof, inspect your shingles and flashing for damage. Any kind of roof damage can lead to water leaks from rain or melting ice and snow.

Winterizing the Interior of Your Home

To ensure that the cold air stays outside, make sure that your windows and doors are properly sealed. Replace the caulking around the windows if you feel a draft. For doors that lead to the outside, the weather stripping may need replacing if air is seeping in. Add insulation in the attic if you can see the ceiling joists. By taking these steps not only will your home stay warm, you may even notice a difference on your next energy bill. If you need assistance, contact one of the agents at Fida Insurance Group of Monroe, CT. We are here to help you. 


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