Protecting and caring for the things and people we value often involves time, effort, and expense. This is why many people in Monroe, CT rely on the trusted team at Fida Insurance Group for their insurance needs. When it comes to our homes, Fida Insurance Group offers effective and reliable options to ensure protection.
Do I Need to Update My Home Insurance After a Home Appraisal or Land Survey?
Keeping your home insurance policy up to date is essential to safeguarding your home. Have you made any changes to your home or its structure or had a recent land or property survey? In many cases, a basic home appraisal, home improvement project, or even a land survey will have little to no effect on your policy. However, sometimes it can. That’s why it’s a good idea to contact your agent if your home has had a recent land survey or home appraisal. Many homeowners turn to Fida Insurance Group for all their home insurance questions and needs.
Insurance Solutions for Monroe, CT Area Homeowners
If you live in or near Monroe, CT and have questions about home insurance or need coverage for your home, we can help. At Fida Insurance Group, our friendly and experienced team can help you get the coverage, protection, and peace of mind you deserve for everything that matters to you, including your home. Contact us to find out more and schedule an appointment today for the protection you want and need for your home at Fida Insurance Group.