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Should You Get Comprehensive or Collision Coverage?

When it comes to auto insurance, there are many options out there. And one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make is whether to get comprehensive or collision coverage. Both types of coverage have their pros and cons. Fida Insurance Group offers this guide for you to understand the difference before you make a decision.

Here’s a quick rundown of each type of coverage:

Collision coverage is one of the most important types of car insurance you can have. This coverage helps pay for damages to your car if you’re involved in a collision with another vehicle or object. Collision coverage can help protect you from expensive repairs or total loss of your vehicle occasioned by an accident.

Comprehensive coverage is another important type of car insurance. This coverage helps pay for damages to your car that are caused by something other than a collision, such as fire, theft, or vandalism. This coverage can help give you peace of mind in knowing that your vehicle is protected against a wide range of potential risks.

So, which type of coverage is right for you? The answer depends on a few factors, such as the value of your car and your personal driving habits. If you have an older car, collision coverage may not be worth the extra cost. However, if you have a newer car or you’re a high-risk driver, collision coverage may be a good idea. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to talk to your insurance agent and see what they recommend for your situation.

Regardless of the policy you choose, ensure your deductible and coverage limits are adequate for your needs. You don’t want to be underinsured and risk paying out of pocket for damages or overpaying for coverage you don’t need.

Get Auto Insurance in Monroe, CT

Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT can help you choose the right auto insurance policy for your needs. We offer comprehensive and collision coverage and a variety of other auto insurance options. Contact us today to get started!


Is Auto Insurance a Necessity?

Acquiring prolific auto insurance in Monroe, CT is a fundamental initiative to safeguard yourself and your car in the event of an accident. If you are shopping for auto insurance in Monroe, CT it’s vital to comprehend the common types of coverage available on car insurance policies. Owning a car is a massive investment for you and your family. Therefore, it requires formidable protection. Surprisingly, it’s only after a crash when most drivers realize that they are not adequately protected, culminating in frustrating moments after accidents. Procure your auto insurance coverage early enough from Fida Insurance Group to avoid stress after an unexpected eventuality like an accident strikes. Buying an auto insurance policy harbors a lot of benefits, including:

Safeguarding yourself and others

Do you want guaranteed protection for people you cherish most from unforeseen events? Getting outstanding auto insurance can safeguard you, your family members, passengers, and other motorists. If an accident occurs, you get assured of coverage for costs arising from bodily injuries and property damage.

Coverage for assets

Getting proper auto coverage is one way of ensuring that your assets are appropriately shielded. Investing in both collision and comprehensive coverages can protect your car against potential perils. The comprehensive policy caters to the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle resulting from non-collision events like theft. In contrast, collision coverage caters to physical damage costs by either repairing or replacing your car after a collision with other vehicles or stationary objects.

It’s a legal requirement.

Most states, including Connecticut, require motorists to maintain liability car insurance that meets specific minimum requirements if they get engaged in an accident. These advocated minimum requirements by the state of Connecticut entails bodily injuries and property damage.

Instills peace of mind

Everyone is subject to making mistakes. Regrettably, sometimes another driver’s blunder can become your problem. With proper auto insurance, you feel confident knowing that you are guarded even if you engage in an accident with an insufficiently covered motorist or don’t have insurance.

The benefits of auto insurance outweigh the risks that you can indulge in after an accident. Get proper auto insurance coverage from Fida Insurance Group located in Monroe, CT to protect yourself, your family, and your motorcycle. Please call or visit us today for more information about auto insurance

Who should have basic auto insurance

Basic auto insurance is the least amount of insurance allowed by law. In Connecticut, the basic amount of auto insurance required is 25/50/25. That means $25,000 for a single person for injuries in an accident with a top amount of $50,000 for each accident. $25,000 for property damage. The uninsured and underinsured amount must be equal to the injury coverage. This is the must-have amount, not the should have amount. At Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT, we take the mystery out of buying auto insurance with clear and concise information. We look at your needs and make sure your insurance coverage keeps you safe. 

When it comes to who should have basic auto insurance, everyone who drives in the state of Connecticut must have at least basic auto insurance. Whether it is right for you will be determined by several factors. Do you have any assets? If you own a home, likely, the minimum amount of liability will not be adequate to protect your home from the results of a lawsuit. Discuss this figure with your trusted independent agent to come up with the amount that will provide the safety net you need. 

If you have a car loan, you will need to carry collision and comprehensive coverage. Even if you don’t have a loan if you have a vehicle with more value than about $1000, it is probably worth your while to have comprehensive and collision coverage. Car repairs or replacements are expensive and if it is not an amount you can easily pay for with your savings or out of your packet, then the coverage will give you peace of mind. Having your car when you need it is vital for most people. 

Contact  Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT  to discuss your auto insurance coverage. We have the knowledge and experience to make sure you have the coverage you need. 

Tips For Getting the Perfect Auto Insurance Policy

Though many people think of auto insurance as merely a legal obligation, it is a useful investment that you make to protect yourself, your family, and your future from the unexpected. It is not easy to pick the right auto insurance, especially if you have never done it before. There are many considerations that should go into choosing a good auto insurance policy. In order to help you, Fida Insurance Group serving Monroe, CT has prepared some tips for getting the perfect coverage for your vehicle: 

Choose the right deductible

There is often a give-and-take between premium and deductible. If you choose a higher deductible, then you get a lower premium. Figure out what you can afford and consider such important factors as your own risk tolerance and driving record. Discuss other factors with your insurance agent and see how they can impact your premium. 

Consider limits of liability 

The state of Connecticut has the minimum liability requirements for auto insurance. Higher limits mean more coverage when you may need it most (after an accident for example). Instead of starting at the bottom and working up to higher limits, it is better to start with higher limits in the beginning and then work the way down. 

Compare at least several policies

One of the best ways to find a perfect auto insurance policy is by comparison. Take your time and shop around by comparing offers from at least three different insurance companies. Even though it may take you some time, you will be able to save money in the future. 

If you are a resident from Monroe, CT or any other surrounding community and you are looking for a reliable insurance company to insure your vehicle, Fida Insurance Group is ready to assist you. Our experienced agents will do their best to help you chose a policy based on your budget and insurance needs. Give us a call today to talk to one of our experienced agents. 

When Is the Best Time to Update Your Car Insurance?

Owning a car in Monroe, CT is important, and it comes with a bit of responsibility. You have to have insurance for your car, and the prices and requirements of that insurance change all the time. If you’re wondering when your insurance should be updated, these are some of the most important times.

When You Change Cars

It’s pretty obvious that you should update your insurance when you buy a car. But, sometimes you might switch which vehicle is your primary without making a purchase. Maybe you moved closer to work and don’t need to drive the efficiency commuter as much. Maybe you have a lifestyle change that makes the other car more comfortable. For whatever reason, if you find which car you drive the most changing, it’s a good idea to inform your insurance company.

You Hit Milestone

There are a lot of lifestyle factors that affect your insurance rates. Hitting 30 might get you lower premiums. Getting married can have an impact. So can having kids. Any time you go through a major change, chat with your Fida Insurance Group representative to see if it can lead to savings.

You Move

While moving can be considered a milestone, it’s of particular importance to your insurer. Each state has its own insurance laws, so if you move out of state, you need to let the insurance company know. They need to make sure you’re legally compliant. Even if you’re just moving to a new neighborhood in Monroe, CT, the new address can impact your premiums. Substantial changes in the traffic surrounding you and other factors can all impact your premiums.

The best way to always have the best insurance policy is to keep your Fida Insurance Group rep informed. They’re always looking for ways to help you. Keeping in touch only empowers them to do their job.

What Does Collision Insurance Cover?

You probably already have auto insurance if you have a vehicle, or perhaps you are in the process of shopping for new or better coverage? Whatever the case may be, it is important to know how each auto insurance option works to protect drivers both on and off the road. 

Collision Insurance Protection

If you have a financed vehicle or a newer model vehicle that is worth a significant amount, you will want to carry full coverage auto insurance, complete with collision coverage? But what is collision insurance? This type of insurance add-on is designed to protect you from losses if there is a covered event. It will repair or replace your vehicle if it is involved in an accident with another vehicle. This type of insurance is also required by financing companies before you can drive off of the car lot when you make a purchase. 

Finding The Right Amount Of Coverage

When you are choosing the amount of collision insurance, it helps to have the guidance of a knowledgeable agent so you can get the right coverage amount to fit your needs. The amount of coverage is related to the maximum protection for each outlined event and the amount of the deductible you need to meet before the insurance will cover the remaining portion of the repairs or replacement. If you live around the Monroe, CT area, you should consult with Fida Insurance Group to learn more about your coverage options and to get assistance with choosing the auto policy.

Having the right amount of collision insurance coverage can make dealing with an accident easier. Call or stop by Fida Insurance Group today to learn more about the options that residents of the Monroe, CT area have and how to get covered today.  

Basics of High Risk Auto Insurance Policies

Not all drivers have squeaky clean driving records. Accidents can happen and as part of the aftermath, your insurance premiums may increase. Companies offer high-risk auto insurance plans to individuals who have an increased likelihood of getting into crashes and filing claims.

High-risk auto insurance 101

High-risk auto insurance policies are plans that offer coverage to those who have a greater liability. Although one or more traffic accidents may make you a high-risk driver, other factors are considered as well. DUI convictions, moving violations, young age, and poor credit history may also be used to determine your risk to the insurance company. Very expensive and specialized vehicles can also put you in the high-risk category.

With a high-risk classification, coverage will be more expensive. However, insurance companies work with drivers to help them lower costs over time. Agents may suggest taking a defensive driving course to reduce premiums. By following all traffic laws and practicing defensive driving techniques while on the road, your record will improve over time and you will no longer be considered high-risk.

Are you really high-risk?

Insurance companies don’t automatically label you as a high-risk driver because you have been in an accident. Fida Insurance Group recommends discussing your driving record with an agent before assuming you need a high-risk policy. For instance, if you didn’t cause the accident or the crash took place more than three years ago, then you probably don’t need a high-risk policy. A single speeding ticket isn’t likely to have too much of an impact on your coverage options either. However, multiple speeding tickets will be taken into consideration.

Live in the Monroe, CT area and are looking for advice on auto insurance plans? Contact the helpful agents from Fida Insurance Group to discuss auto policy options, including high-risk plans.

How to Get Auto Insurance For Your Teen

So your teen has finally started driving. While this will help free up some of your own time (no more driving them around everywhere they need to go!), it’s understandably a bit nervewracking while they’re out there on the road by themselves. After all, we all know just how responsible we "thought" we were back at that age. But whether they’re driving your car or have one of their own, they need to be properly insured. If you live in the Monroe, CT area, the experts at Fida Insurance Group are here to help you get your teen driver the auto coverage they need before hitting the road. 

It’s important to note that while a teen is driving supervised on a learner’s permit in Connecticut, they do not need their own insurance policy as long as the supervising driver has one. That said, they do need to have insurance once they are able to drive on their own. Most parents choose to add teens to their own auto policy for convenience purposes, although it is possible for you to get them their own individual coverage.

Now, because the accident risk is generally much higher for teens than it is for adults with some years of experience under their belts, the insurance premiums for teens are usually going to be much higher than your own. Nevertheless, you may be able to lower their premium costs by raising the deductible. And if you are getting them their own insurance policy for their own vehicle, it’s wise to avoid sports cars and flashier autos that may come with higher insurance rates anyway. 

To learn more about getting auto insurance for your teen in the Monroe, CT area, contact Fid Insurance Group today. We’re happy to sit down with both you and your teen to go over all of the options available to you and help keep your teen as safe as possible. 

Do Unpaid Parking Tickets Affect Your Insurance Premiums?

In Monroe, CT, residents who have questions about their auto insurance need to talk to agents who are willing to go the extra mile. The agents of Fida Insurance Group understand that their clients want to be fully informed when it comes to the things that can have an adverse effect on their car insurance. This is why they are always available when their clients call in to find answers concerning parking tickets and moving violations.

Penalties For Unpaid Parking Tickets

Many people don’t realize that the penalties for having unpaid parking tickets can be extremely costly if they aren’t taken care of in a timely fashion. In addition to towing costs, impound storage, and the fees tacked on by the city, the cost of not paying your tickets goes far beyond the cost of the actual ticket. Depending on your areas local laws, having numerous unpaid parking tickets can also affect your insurance premiums.

A Suspended License

In some areas, allowing your unpaid parking tickets to accumulate can eventually cost you your driver’s license. If the amount of the fees reach beyond a certain amount (this will be determined by the area), the license branch may be required to suspend your driver’s license until all of your past tickets are paid in full. In addition to towing your vehicle, the fees associated with getting your license back can be costly.

The agents of Fida Insurance Group are always ready to assist the residents of Monroe, CT. If you live in the area and have questions about parking tickets, the agents encourage you to call in and schedule an appointment. They can give you the information you need so that you can get your tickets paid and keep your insurance coverage intact.


Two Reasons You Need Full Coverage on Your Vehicle

Deciding on what level of coverage to get for your vehicle is a tricky process. Of course, getting full coverage is always the ideal, but if you have an older car or don’t drive very much, you could save money by getting comprehensive coverage. So, when is it a good idea to get full coverage for your car?

1. When it’s a lease – Full coverage is usually mandatory with a lease agreement. The dealership wants you to be fully covered in the event that it is damaged because they still technically own it. If your vehicle is totaled during its lease, the insurance company will replace it with a new car of the same model. Ask about the insurance requirements before you lease any vehicle. 

2. A New Car – A brand new car is best insured under full coverage auto insurance. It is probably one of your most expensive assets and its value drops dramatically once you take it off the lot. If you don’t have it fully insured you could lose a lot of money because of the value of the vehicle against what you get back for it after the accident. Always factor in the increased price of full coverage insurance when purchasing a new car. If you don’t, you could unknowingly go over your budget. 

Of course, if you can afford full coverage, you should have it on any vehicle that you can. There is no downside to being full insured besides the fact that it might cost a little bit more. Some cars are not valuable enough to justify the monthly premiums on full coverage insurance. If you have questions about this type of coverage and want to learn more, contact an insurance specialist at Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT so they can guide you to the right decision on your auto coverage. 


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