Basic auto insurance is the least amount of insurance allowed by law. In Connecticut, the basic amount of auto insurance required is 25/50/25. That means $25,000 for a single person for injuries in an accident with a top amount of $50,000 for each accident. $25,000 for property damage. The uninsured and underinsured amount must be equal to the injury coverage. This is the must-have amount, not the should have amount. At Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT, we take the mystery out of buying auto insurance with clear and concise information. We look at your needs and make sure your insurance coverage keeps you safe.
When it comes to who should have basic auto insurance, everyone who drives in the state of Connecticut must have at least basic auto insurance. Whether it is right for you will be determined by several factors. Do you have any assets? If you own a home, likely, the minimum amount of liability will not be adequate to protect your home from the results of a lawsuit. Discuss this figure with your trusted independent agent to come up with the amount that will provide the safety net you need.
If you have a car loan, you will need to carry collision and comprehensive coverage. Even if you don’t have a loan if you have a vehicle with more value than about $1000, it is probably worth your while to have comprehensive and collision coverage. Car repairs or replacements are expensive and if it is not an amount you can easily pay for with your savings or out of your packet, then the coverage will give you peace of mind. Having your car when you need it is vital for most people.
Contact Fida Insurance Group in Monroe, CT to discuss your auto insurance coverage. We have the knowledge and experience to make sure you have the coverage you need.